"Hel-lo" I heard from the faint voice again. I swung around like a stealthy ninja, seeking out the person who was playing this sick joke. No one was around us. Then I looked at my daughter, who was repeatedly saying the word 'app-le' to herself and having eternal bliss over absolutely everything around her. I took a deep breath and then thought "M--o--m?" Nooo. Ma couldn't be calling me from H-town, could she? NAH. But really...maybe she is. What if it is my Mom? Holy cripes. If my Ma is trying to get my attention, HOLY #$%!! How do I respond? OMG I'm gonna cry. I miss her so much. My Ma has always been 'in touch' with me through her signs or through dreams, but I never thought I'd get to actually talk to her! Finally! I've been asking her to come and hang out with me and now maybe I have that moment with her! Oh my gosh, there are so many things to talk about. So many things to ask her. Where do I begin? My heart was racing. "Should I just tell her I'm here?" I wondered. I can't wait for her to tell me what she thinks of my little girl! I started to smile, and my heart raced. I started to look up and heard my name called again along with some laughter. Then the harps that I heard playing in Heaven scratched to a halt. I looked at my daughter, and she froze. Okay, get a grip. I'm totally freaked out. I heard more laughter followed with another "Hel-lo?????" I traced the voice coming from my child's diaper bag and GASPED.
My fricken husband put my cell phone on auto answer so when anyone calls me it automatically puts it in speaker mode. I reached in my bag and pulled out my cell phone. It was my girlfriend from Florida, laughing her butt off. I heard her two sons in the background laughing and saying my name over and over. I could only think of two things at that moment: 1) I'm a moron. 2) I'm going to beat the crap out of my husband.
Moral of the story - Make sure your cell phone is NEVER on automatic answer, unless you think you are Phoebe from the television show Friends.
Just a few weeks after burying my own mother, my husband and I (we weren't married yet) went to visit my mother's grave. Not one of my best days. He had just lost his own mother so things were pretty fresh for him as well.
Anyway, after I got done "talking" to her and saying what I felt needed to be said, I got up from the grass and brushed myself off. My husband asked me to refresh his memory as to the "who's-who" in our family plot.
There are 8 spaces, 6 of which are accounted for. They are my maternal grandparents, a great uncle, my mom, her sister and a space for my uncle who hadn't yet passed away.
My husband starts to describe my uncle to make sure he'd remembered him correctly and I said that he had. I confirmed to him that he'd been married to my mother's sister. Then he asked me how long they were married. Without batting an eyelash I said:
"'Til she died."
On my honor, I saw and heard my mother gasp out loud, shut her eyes and smack herself on the forehead (D'oh!).
It wasn't until the words were out of my mouth that I realized what I'd said. Undoubtedly not a lie, just not the answer he was looking for, I guess.
That has definitely happened to me before, and the feeling of breathlessness can sometimes take a week to stop. I like your blog- it's got a lot of heart to it.
Thanks for reading mine!
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